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:: Tuesday, August 15, 2006 ::

Just in case you haven't been paying attention...or you think this terrorism threat thing is a joke, Northeast Intelligence Network has a news flash for you. The liquid explosive in the baby bottle has already been attempted.
...a Muslim family of five- a husband, wife and 3 children, boarded American Airlines flight 109 at Britain’s Heathrow airport destined for Boston Logan airport on Sunday, 6 August 2006.

According to intelligence officials, the family checked in at the last minute, and as a result, only a superficial check of the children’s carry-on bags was conducted by airport security personnel.

Following the take off of the airliner, the check-in computer at the airport flashed a warning that a person under observation had boarded the flight. The airline staff informed immigration and security officials, and a background check found that the male adult member of the family was on a suspect list prepared by Scotland Yard subsequent to the 7/7 terror bombings in London. The pilot was ultimately alerted to the situation and after careful consideration, returned to Heathrow airport rather than continuing on to Boston.

Upon landing back at Heathrow, armed marshals boarded the aircraft and took the suspect and his family into custody. It was at that time a search of the children’s carry-on baggage revealed the deadly cargo.

:: Mark 9:19 AM [+] :: (0) comments
:: Monday, August 14, 2006 ::
You need to read and ponder what Michael Gerson had to say on How 9/11 Changed Bush and what is still at risk. Please read it all and consider what must be done if this nation - and indeed the civilized world - is to survive the crisis facing us.
the cynical, the world-weary, the risk-averse will not inherit the earth"

:: Mark 11:17 AM [+] :: (0) comments

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